Reference pages

Friday, July 15, 2011

SP freight cars you can model

The title of this post is that of a clinic I’ve been giving for a couple of years, both at NMRA conventions (including the just-ended one in Sacramento) and at other meets, such as the Naperville and Cocoa Beach prototype modelers’ meets and the SP Historical & Technical Society convention.
     The idea behind the clinic is that there are many important classes of SP freight cars which are now readily modeled in HO scale. Some are styrene or brass models which are correct or close to correct right out of the box; some are resin or styrene kits which can be built to be correct; and some require a little kitbashing. And there are even a few classes which can’t be modeled at present with real accuracy, but a reasonable stand-in can be created.
     I’m posting the handout for this clinic via Google Docs, so that the outline of the presentation is available, listing the car classes shown in the clinic and including a bunch of details on box and automobile cars, along with some web and print resources for further study. Here is the link:

Some of the cars listed on the first page of the handout have already been touched on in this blog, and some more may be described in later posts. This handout is (or will be) also available on the web site for the X2011 West (NMRA) Sacramento convention, at:
Simply scroll down the list  of items to my name.
Tony Thompson


  1. Tony,
    Tried the link above to view handout but Google Docs page couldn't retrieve it or I didn't have permission.


  2. Sorry, George, my error. I forgot that the default setting in Google Docs is restrictive. I've now corrected it, so you can try again.
    Tony Thompson
