Saturday, August 22, 2020

Handouts: Tank car waybills

This post serves the purpose of a handout for a talk. Virtual handouts have the advantage that they can include live internet links and are thus much more convenient to use. This particular post relates to the “Hindsight 20/20” virtual RPM meeting of today, August 22, during which my talk was entitled “Tank Car Operations with Realistic Waybills.”
     This talk topic is interesting in that it combines two complex topics, tank cars and tank car operations in the prototype, and waybills, as they are specifically used for tank car traffic. Both topics readily provide material for full-hour talks or more, and in fact I have given such talks. This particular presentation was an effort to talk about the two topics together, necessarily briefly. Here are the further resources:
     For the tank car portion of the talk, there is a fairly complete tank car handout, containing the drawings shown and other images, at this post, linked to Google Drive.

In addition, I wrote a two-part article for Model Railroad Hobbyist (MRH), which appeared in the issues for February and March, 2016. These are still available for free, to read online or to download for your own use, at their web site, . The first article is about prototype tank cars, the second article is about tank car modeling.
     Lastly on tank cars, I have written blog posts about any number of model tank car projects, and they can most easily be found by using the blog search box at upper right, using such search terms as “tank cars” or perhaps “tank car models.” Below is shown one of my favorite photos from the clinic, a Stauffer acid tank car (Richard Hendrickson collection), clearly showing the distinctive dome of such cars.

     The waybill part of the talk has even more background. I have written several articles for publication, two of the most recent being one in MRH, the issue for January 2018 and still available, like the articles mentioned above about tank cars, and one for The Dispatcher’s Office (magazine of the Operations SIG on NMRA), in the issue for October 2016.
     More significantly for the present moment, there are some on-line resources. These are in two forms: first, handouts for talks, and second, collected batches of posts, which may also be helpful. Here is a link to a recent handout, likewise available on Google Drive.

This above link also provides links to an earlier handout, with somewhat different material.
     Secondly, as I mentioned, there are some collected sets of waybill posts. Mike White collected my first 26 posts on the topic, as available at this link: . Subsequently Mike also collected the next 20 posts, along with some related posts about operations which touched on waybills, and that set is available here:

Since those posts, I have slowly added perhaps 20 more beyond what Mike collected.These are readily found in the blog archive by using the search box at upper right of this post, and using a search term such as "waybills," or better yet, using the series title, “Waybills, Part,” which is how I have named each numbered Part.
      Included in the talk was a brief mention of the larger (5 x 7 inches) waybills I have recently assembled for a friend’s layout, and no, I am not heading that direction myself; below I show one of the small waybills (2.5 x 3.5 inches) that remains standard on my layout, at left, and at right the larger format. Both bills were chosen to be for tank cars. (Development of the larger form was described in a previous blog post; you can find it here: .)

     Beyond this, if there are still questions, please contact me directly and I will be happy to try and answer or clarify any issues.
Tony Thompson

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